Gallery Obscured
I love images that are mysterious and mythical, and have life and depth. They are also suggestive of an universe from a different world. You are invited to enter. You are fascinated by the cordial forms and seductive lights, and are about to push past the scanty screens to discover the life beyond.
These paintings accentuate the use of textures and colour. The subjects are suggestive and elusive — intending to encourage the viewer to look within oneself, or far into the next universe.
Continuum in Red
Continuum in Green
Conceal in Purple
Expression in Red
Obscured in Yellow
Obscured in Red
Windows to the Universe
Assertion in Yellow
76 cm x 92 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2006
92 cm x 107 cm Oil on Canvas 2011
86 cm x 102 cm Oil on Canvas 2010
76 cm x 107 cm Oil on Canvas 2010
76 cm x 76 cm Acylic on Canvas 2009
76 cm x 76 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2009
76 cm x 107 cm Oil on Canvas 2012
92 cm x 107 cm Oil on Canvas 2012